* STAR *

November 13, 2010

Lucky or Unlucky??

I'm having 'undang' test for today.... scared!!! I wake up at 5 morning and read until my dad fetch me to Xin Yin's house... My brother.... made me a coffee!!! Unbelievable~ He told me that it can make me more focus on my study~~~

I reach Xin Yin's house at about 7.45am and Xin Yin and her sister, Xin Rue were cleaning up their dog, Happy's eyes.... Happy was angry with them after they clean it's eyes.... Hahaha~~ so cute... I feed Happy because Happy dint angry with me.... yeepee~

We then meet Hau Yee at auntie's car... 3 of us keep on  reading along the road..... when we reach that place.... We saw Sin Yee and Estee!!! Huh??? Why are you guys here??? hahaha~ Yay~ We can take the 'undang' test together!!! We first go and take picture.... and start reading before our name been call to enter the room to take the 'undang' exam....

I feel cool and my whole body was shaking... due to the air-conditioning and my fear~~ I fail for the first time.... Xin Yin, Hau Yee, Estee were pass... Sin Yee... same like me.... She fail too.... We decide to take again... After waiting for an hour..... Me and Sin Yee's name been called again... I feel more scary this time... The question were more difficult then the first time... OMG!!! Thanks for Xin Yin and Hau Yee due to they pray for me outside the room... Luckily I pass for the second time... I really though that I will fail again~~~ Well, scary day have gone... Is it lucky or unlucky??? erm... for me.... I will choose this is a lucky day for me....  =)

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